How to name an insurance company without name generators
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How to name an insurance company without name generators

How to name an insurance company

Figuring out how to name an insurance company isn’t as simple as it seems. While many business owners assume the suitable moniker will come to them when the time is right, this is rarely the case. The reality is excellent names take time, focus, and creativity. 

Choosing a name for an insurance company requires business leaders to think carefully about the message they want to send to their target audience

After all, similar to a logo, your name is one of the first things your audience will use to evaluate and identify your business. The right name can inspire trust, confidence, and intrigue. Alternatively, the wrong title could send your consumers running to your competitors. 

Great names for insurance agencies pave the way for success in your industry, convincing clients that they can trust you with their safety, security, and finances. Today, we will be looking at how you can create compelling, catchy insurance names without relying on generators.

How to name an insurance company

How to name an insurance company: An introduction

The first step in learning how to name an insurance company is understanding the right title’s value. It’s easy to overlook the importance of a distinctive moniker when you’re focused on developing your services. However, your name is one of the most important resources you have. 

For any company, a name is an opportunity to differentiate. It sets you apart from your competitors and makes it easier for customers to find you. However, for insurance companies, names are crucial to connecting with consumers. 

After all, when customers seek the assistance of an insurance company, they’re looking first and foremost for security. 

Customers want to know their livelihood, finances, and even families will be protected by the right brand. A good name can inspire this confidence. Just look at companies like “Allianz” for instance. 

With their name, the organization can tell customers they will get a collaborative partner committed to their success, thanks to the connection with the word “Alliance.” 

Choosing a good name immediately also ensures you don’t have to worry about rebranding and refreshing your organization over the years. Great names for insurance agencies are resilient enough to evolve and grow with a company. Make sure your name:

Connects with your audience

Your insurance company name should connect with your audience, telling a story about what you stand for, and conveying meaning. It needs to speak to your USP and convince customers that you’re trustworthy.

Can grow with your brand

Try to avoid limiting yourself with your brand name. Although it can be helpful to highlight the kind of insurance you provide in a name, an overly descriptive name can also be restrictive. 

Stands out

In a market as competitive as the insurance landscape, it’s vital to separate yourself from other brands. Choose a name that’s unique and specific to you. This will help you to capture a broader market share.

How to name an insurance company

How to choose great names for insurance agencies

Figuring out how to name an insurance company is similar to calling any business. It all starts with proper research. While hiring a naming firm or agency to assist you can be an excellent way to accelerate the process, it always helps to have the right insights first. 

The more information you have about your brand, target audience, and competitors, the easier it is to choose the right name.

Here are three things you’ll need to do before you start brainstorming.

1.     Examine your brand message

First, you’ll need to know what makes your brand different. Looking at your USPs, brand vision, and mission will help you establish what kind of promise you want to make to your audience with your name.

Great names for insurance agencies tell your customers what they can expect from your service before they invest their time and money into your brand. 

Ask yourself what you’re really offering with your company. Do you promise peace of mind, comfort, support, expertise, or something else? Create a statement outlining the message you want to send with your brand, and use this to guide you.

2.     Know your target audience

Naming an insurance company correctly means figuring out how to speak to the right target audience effectively. You need to understand who you will reach and what they will look for when searching for your services.

Creating a set of user personas can help you define exactly who your customers really are. 

Ask yourself their pain points, whether they have any specific expectations when seeking out insurance policies, and what demographic groups they belong to. Use your knowledge of your audience to choose the most relevant name.

3.     Research your competitors

A good name should always be unique. When coming up with catchy insurance names, you must ensure you don’t stray too close to any existing monikers or titles. Great names for insurance agencies should be distinctive and specific to your brand.

Notably, you can gain some extra inspiration by looking at what existing companies are already doing with their naming strategies. Just make sure your customers aren’t going to confuse your brand with another leading company.

How to name an insurance company

How to come up with insurance company name ideas

Once you’ve collected the initial insights you need for your insurance agency naming process, you can begin thinking about brainstorming. Unless you hire a company to come up with a name on your behalf, this will be one of the most critical steps of your creative process. 

Figuring out how to name an insurance company usually involves input from several employees and team members. This will reduce the chances of you ending up with a name that needs to be fully thought out. Here are some quick tips to help with the brainstorming experience:

Start with a word dump 

Many people struggle with the naming process because they try to come up with the ideal title immediately. However, it’s often much easier to simply get as many relevant words down on paper as possible. A “word dump” is a great way to get the creative juices flowing. 

Focus on how you want your customers to feel about your products, the words connected to your service, and the specific vibe you’re trying to create. 

Use a thesaurus

Unless you’re an avid content creator or writer, you might struggle to come up with various varied words and synonyms to describe your business. A thesaurus comes in handy here. It’s a chance to expand your word dump with words you might have yet to consider on your own. 

You can even use dictionaries in other languages or experiment with rhyming dictionaries, depending on the kind of name you want.

Try a mood board

The best insurance company names are influential because they’re emotionally impactful. 

A mood board might be helpful if you’re struggling to create a name with meaning. You can fill it with images related to your brand personality, colors, and anything else that might act as inspiration. 

You could create a secondary mood board highlighting the elements and components you don’t want to include in your name. This can guide your team. 

Consider different types of names

Remember that you can consider several different “styles” of naming when picking the ideal moniker. It might be worth defining what kind of name you’re most interested in early. 

For instance, do you want an invented name that’s never been used before or a compound title that features existing words? Are you comfortable with a misspelled, eponymous, or descriptive name? It’s all up to you. 

Get everyone involved

As mentioned above, naming can be difficult when it’s a solo affair. Without the input of other professionals, it can be easy to make the mistake of choosing a name based on what you like rather than focusing on your customers’ needs. 

Try getting the input of different people throughout your community. You can ask for help from your C-suite executives and some of your shareholders or investors.

How to name an insurance company

Tips for choosing good names for insurance companies

Figuring out how to name an insurance company effectively is rarely a one-size-fits-all process. Check out some of the most well-known insurance companies in history, and you’ll quickly discover they all have unique stories about how they came up with their name.

Your name could be invented, founder-based, a compound term, or even descriptive, depending on your goals and target audience. However, there are some top tips worth following if you want to improve your chances of making the right impression. For example:

Choose a simple name

Simplicity is critical to any naming process.

You’ll need to ensure your consumers can pronounce the moniker easily, spell it without a problem, and find your brand on any platform. Complicated names can make it a lot harder for your customers to remember you. Try to avoid anything that’s too difficult to use.

Convey genuine meaning

Remember, your name is an important way of telling your customers something important about your brand. With this in mind, it’s crucial to ensure your title carries the right meaning. Let your audience know exactly what your insurance company is all about when you’re picking your name.

Check for originality

The last thing you want is to end up in a legal dispute over a name.

With that in mind, make sure you do a search before picking any specific name to ensure it’s available to trademark. You’ll also need to look for a domain name and social media handles relevant to your title, as this will help your customers find you online.

Focus on trust

More than anything else, a great insurance agency name should help you to build a relationship with your target audience. It should highlight you as being credible, trustworthy, and secure. Try to avoid any name which makes you look less serious, as this could cause your customers to doubt you.

Get the right help

Consider getting some extra support with the naming process. As mentioned above, it’s extremely difficult for most people to choose a title alone. With this in mind, it’s a good idea to look into getting some extra assistance.

Naming companies and agencies are extremely valuable.

Consider asking for feedback

Aside from getting assistance with your naming process, it’s also worth getting feedback when you’ve chosen a few “shortlist” names.

You can present your titles to your existing customers to get their input, ask your shareholders for their preferences, or simply ask your employees to tell you how a name makes them feel.

Should I use an insurance company name generator?

You’re not alone if you’re struggling with figuring out how to name an insurance company. Choosing catchy insurance names is a time-consuming and complicated process. Because of this, many software companies have started creating “name generators” to assist brands and startups.

name generator is an algorithmic tool that allows you to create names at the touch of a button. At a glance, it seems like an excellent solution for people struggling with the naming process. You can enter a couple of words into a system and output hundreds of names in no time. 

However, there are some significant downsides to using name generators too. These tools lack the creativity of human beings, so they can’t come up with a new and innovative name from scratch. 

The best they can do is mash words together, suggest misspelled titles, or offer synonyms to the terms you’ve already entered. 

Name generators typically use something called the “trainwreck” method to create names. This means smashing various words together to create a compound term. For instance, if you entered the words “Insurance” and “Trust” into a name generator, they might suggest “InsuranceTrust” for a name. 

To make matters worse, name generators don’t do any of the due diligence required to ensure a name is actually suitable for your business. They rarely check whether a domain name is available or a moniker has already been trademarked. 

That means you could end up with a name you can’t use. Ultimately, they’re not a reliable choice. 

You should only use a company name generator if you need help with initial ideas. They can give you a few more words and ideas to add to your brainstorming session. If you really want help with a name, find a naming agency to help you instead.

Examples of good insurance company names

Since choosing an effective insurance name is such a complex process, it’s often helpful to look at the existing market for some inspiration. When you’re learning how to name an insurance company, checking out the titles used by pre-existing brands can be very beneficial.

Here are some great examples of insurance company names to get you started.

How to name an insurance company

UnitedHealth Group

The seventh largest company in the world, and the largest healthcare brand globally by revenue, the UnitedHealth Group has undoubtedly achieved some fantastic results with its brand.

Founded in 1977, the organization focuses specifically on healthcare products and insurance services, something we can see outlined in its moniker.

The name “UnitedHealth” is simple, easy to remember, and meaningful. It tells consumers what they can expect from the company and conveys a sense of compassion and community. The word “United” makes us think of connectivity and relationships.

How to name an insurance company


Another of the biggest insurance companies in the world, Allianz first launched in 1890, more than 130 years ago. The company offers services to consumers around the globe, specifically focusing on asset management and insurance.

Allianz is a fantastic insurance company name because it reminds us of the word “alliance.” It’s actually a German word, which makes sense, considering the brand was founded in Germany.

Like the UnitedHealth Group, Allianz uses its name to convince customers they’re connecting with a partner, not just another brand. The term makes us think of connectivity, collaboration, and community. The “z” at the end makes the brand appear more modern.

How to name an insurance company


The Prudential company is an insurance brand from the United Kingdom, headquartered in London and founded in 1848. Prudential focuses explicitly on offering loans and insurance to professional and working people across the UK.

Prudential is a fantastic name for an insurance company because it’s both emotional and evocative. The word “prudential” refers to the process of showing care and forethought in business. It’s connected with preparation, strategy, planning, and caution.

All of those ideas make Prudential seem like a more trustworthy company.

How to name an insurance company


Aviva is another multinational insurance company from the United Kingdom. Launched in 1969, the long-lasting organization serves around 18 million people across its core markets. Aviva is an exciting and evocative term, perfect for an insurance company.

Initially, the brand was established as “Hand in Hand Fire and Life Insurance,” but the company shareholders voted to change the name to “Aviva” as an invented palindrome, taken from “Viva.” Viva is the Latin word for “Alive” and makes us think of vitality and growth.

The palindrome aspect of the name also makes it particularly memorable and compelling.

How to name an insurance company

Sun Life Financial

Sun Life is a Canadian financial services company known for offering life insurance. Launched in 1865, the brand has a massive presence in the insurance landscape, with more than $125 billion in assets. Sun Life started as the “Sun Insurance Company” before changing its name.

Sun Life is an excellent name for an insurance brand because it makes us think of vitality, endurance, growth, and life. The name tells us we’re dealing with a powerful brand with a strong focus on helping its customers thrive.

How to name an insurance company


The third largest insurance carrier in the United States, the Progressive Corporation, was launched in 1937 and offers its customers a range of insurance options. The word “Progressive” was chosen as the name for the company to help it appear more modern, contemporary, and compelling.

We associate the word “progressive” with innovation and growth, making it a fantastic title for a brand looking to distinguish itself from its service provider competitors.

Finding great names for insurance agencies

Figuring out how to name an insurance company without relying on name generators can seem time-consuming and daunting. However, choosing the right title could be one of the most important things you do for your brand.

While it may take a while to choose a name suitable for your brand personality and audience, picking your moniker correctly will help you to outshine your competitors and connect with your consumers. Hopefully, the tips and guidance above will help to set you on the right path.

If you need help choosing an excellent insurance agency name, the best thing you can do is seek assistance from a professional naming agency. They’ll be able to assist you with sorting through title options and performing the right due diligence.

Fabrik: A naming agency for our times.

Now read these: 
How to start and grow an insurance agency 
Brilliant insurance marketing strategies
The essential guide to insurance branding 
Ultimate list of insurance company logos 

Steve Harvey
Steve Harvey
Our co-founder, Steve Harvey, is also a regular contributor to Brand Fabrik, a flagship publication covering topics relevant to anyone in branding, marketing and graphic design. Steve shares his enthusiasm for brand naming through his articles and demonstrates his knowledge and expertise in the naming process.

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