Post-Brexit re-branding
ing time

Post-Brexit re-branding

Person's view of their feet and an arrow, with two points in separate directions, between their feet. Walking direction on asphalt.

According to an article I saw recently, business confidence is on the way up. For the first time since the referendum, over half of firms are said to be optimistic about their own prospects. The falling pound isn’t bad news for everyone. Much of the predicted doom and gloom from Brexit hasn’t materialised and businesses seem to be more pragmatic about what the future holds. Positivity is returning. Indeed, for many businesses, things are carrying on as ’normal’.

I was recently asked the question, “is now the right time to appoint a re-branding agency?” The short answer is “why not?” There’s plenty of evidence that points to businesses who have stepped up their marketing activity during a downturn and reaped the benefits. And investing in agency re-branding services is certainly an indication of intent for your business. It could well be an inspired decision.

Fabrik’s recent re-brand of tech-company Lumeon is a point in case.

At Fabrik Brands we tend to ask a lot of questions. It’s important for us to understand the “why” and branding projects are no different. We usually start by asking why someone is choosing to appoint a re-branding agency now? The answer is often quite revealing. But it gives us a great insight into the the minds of owners and decision makers and their priorities.

A branding programme gives you the opportunity to stand back and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your existing brand. Sometimes all it needs is some fine-tuning. Your brand may be telling people what you do, but is it telling them why you do it? People connect and emphasise with brands that engage on this level provided that it’s genuine. If you’re looking at charity branding, it’s everything. But many successful corporate businesses have built their brands around their why. Think Innocent, for example.

I’d encourage you to take this opportunity to look at your brand and its components. Is your brand telling a story? Have you created a tone of voice that is distinct and speaks clearly to your audience? Could your visual identity be working harder? How about your logo design, is it still feeling relevant and up to date? These are just a few of the things you could be thinking about as part of a broader re-branding exercise.

Brexit is going to make many headlines over the coming years. Some good, some bad. For a business, these may feel like uncertain times. But one thing you can be certain on is making sure your brand is working hard for you.

Steve Harvey
Steve Harvey
Our co-founder, Steve Harvey, is also a regular contributor to Brand Fabrik, a flagship publication covering topics relevant to anyone in branding, marketing and graphic design. Steve shares his enthusiasm for brand naming through his articles and demonstrates his knowledge and expertise in the naming process.

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