Fabrik is a logo design agency in London. While we acknowledge that brands are about more than logo design, we remain impressed by their power of persuasion, and longevity.
In these brand-obsessed times, we’re continuously confronted by logos. From an AdWord to an ad page. And from an ad page to an App, they’re everywhere. They can be characterful or characterless. And colourful or colourless.
Whatever the case, we concentrate on the precise needs of a brief. Sometimes, a simple letterform design makes for more legible shorthand. And, just as not all logo designs should be made the same, not all logo design agencies are made the same. We hope to make the case for Fabrik.
At face value, Logo design is deceptively simple. That’s where seasoned logo designers like Fabrik prove their worth. While the commodities at our fingertips, and the possibilities they afford, are endless, it takes a few grey hairs and skill to decipher a creative brief.
At Fabrik, we ensure the logo designs we create are aligned to the overall brand strategy. We fill them with depth and meaning. We’ll show you concepts with visual cues turned up and down. For example, a descriptive logo might make for a thrilling short story. While an abstract logo might provide intrigue, making for a more rewarding long read.
We’ll help you choose which path to take. And we’ll consider the stretch of your preferred logo designs, meticulously applying them to your most commonly used communication pieces. We’ve found that informed decisions lead to best creative outcomes.
Fabrik applies creative industry to logo design
At Fabrik’s London-based design facility our logo designers build prototypes, and test them rigourously. Our senior design team stylise and simplify objects to create unique graphics and pictorial marks. We use the symbolic and the abstract to embody our big ideas. And we manipulate letters into eye-catching forms that communicate a specific message. We also produce brand assets and guidelines to allow flexibility of design. We consider how our logo designs can be used independently, while remaining part of the extended family. By taking an integrated approach to logo design and visual identity, we build-in scope for brand strategies to be applied across all channels and tactical communications.
As we’ve established, good logo design is a powerful visual shortcut. A logo is a small, but potent, piece of commercial real estate. Logo design agencies like Fabrik are able to arrange letters, words, graphics and typefaces in a way that symbolises the essence of an organisation. Adding colour and texture to the brand vocabulary in a way that says ’talk to me, I’m friendly’ or ‘dig deep, if you want to go steady’. Like a hallmark, Logo design alludes to the quality of a company’s products, goods and services. Distinguishing it from inferior commercial rivals. The best logo designs act as a self-sustaining vehicle for PR. Gathering pace, column inches and press coverage. They make connections. They add prestige. Logo design has a long and distinguished history. Let’s be part of that history, together.
Logo design services:
- Logo concept design
- Brand development
- Graphics & symbols
- Typography & color
- Application testing
- Visual guidelines
- Launch planning
- Implementation
Is logo design on your agenda?
Unlike fan-mania, our fascination with logo design remains a healthy interest. Objective and constructive.
While we’ve been making the case for logo design, we hope to have made the case for Fabrik. If you would like to know more about our logo design services, drop us a line… logo signature included.
Let’s talk…
Whether your brand requires a refresh or invention, Fabrik has the nous to help. Drop us a line and let’s start a conversation…